Taxi parks in Brescia

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There are numerous taxi parks in Brescia: if you are close to one of them, you can reach it.

If you are not, we suggest you look at the street and house number and contact the radiotaxi at the number:

Your taxi will be the one located by the satellite closest to your call route.

If the satellite system does not find free taxis in the immediate vicinity, it will send one from the relevant stand.

In Brescia there are the following parking spaces:

Station parking

It is located immediately upon exiting the station. South central part of the city.

Hospital parking

It is located in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance in Piazzale Spedali Civili.

Satellite Hospital parking

It is located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the emergency room in via Valsabbina.

Parking Venezia

It is located in Largo Torrelunga adjacent to Piazzale Arnaldo. East part of the city.

Parking Cefalonia

It is located in Brescia 2. In via Cefalonia n° 70 "Crystal Palace entrance". Southern part of the city.

Parking Veneto

It is located in via Veneto opposite number 69. Northwest part of the city.

Parking X Giornate

It is located in the city centre, in via X Giornate / Corso Zanardelli.

Parking Dalmazia

It is located in via Dalmazia in front of MediaWorld. Southwestern part of the city.

Parking San Faustino

It is located in the city centre, in via San Faustino opposite number 12, behind the Loggia.

Parking Sant'Anna

It is located in via Bazoli, in front of the San Filippo sports centre. Northwest part of the city.

Parking Milano

It is located in via Milano near the entrance to the Vantiniano Cemetery. West side of the city.

Court Parking

It is located in via Lattanzio Gambara in front of the entrance to the new Palace of Justice. South central part of the city.

Parking Poliambulanza

It is located in via Bissolati at number 57 in front of the main entrance to the Poliambulanza hospital. Southeastern part of the city.

Parking Sant'Eufemia

It is located in via Parrocchia at the beginning of the Sant'Eufemia district near the Mille Miglia Museum.