Call a taxi by PHONE

You are here:

If you are in the city center and you see a taxi...

…make a gesture with the hand
and it will pull over
(obviusly if vacant).


Call a taxi by phone:

24 hours on 24, after dialing the number from your phone

030 35 111

an operator will speak, give him the address and house number.

While the system starts searching for your taxi, you will be askedto press the key (1) on your telephone if you want your number to enter the radiotaxi archive (this procedure can speed up your next call)

Call a taxi with an SMS:

send a text message SMS to the number 3666773278, indicating IN THIS ORDER:

— Brescia [spazio]

— addrees [spazio] (add if available last name and first name )

— house number

— destination (MANDATORY)

— also communicate your name

— any notes to communicate

For example:

BRESCIA via Roma 5 x stazione sig Pinco Pallino attendo davanti casa rossa

The confirmation:

Confirmation of the arrival of the taxi and how long it will take will be communicated via SMS.